The origins of LB Finance trace its roots back to 1971 when it was incorporated as a Private Limited Liability Company in May. In 1982, it was converted into a Public Limited Liability Company and listed on the Colombo Stock Exchange in 1977. The Company was re-registered in June 2008 under the new Companies Act No. 07 of 2007. Although the majority shareholding of the Company was initially held by Lewis Brown & Company Limited, Vanik Incorporation Limited subsequently acquired the controlling power of the Company in 1994.
At present, LB Finance PLC is a subsidiary of Vallibel One PLC, which owns and manages a fast growing and valuable portfolio across seven key industries such as lifestyle, finance, aluminum, plantation, leisure, consumer and investments. With this strategic alliance, LB Finance has become synergised, energised and revitalised to deliver immense value to our diverse stakeholders now and into the future.Backed by a strong financial background and experience spanning over 50 years in the industry, LB Finance offers you a holistic portfolio of financial solutions. Synonymous with reliability, LB Finance is trusted by corporates, SMEs, and individuals alike. Our innovative financial solutions are offered through more than 175 branches. Expanding our presence beyond the shores of the island, LB Finance is operating in Myanmar as well. We have established 12 branches in the Bago and Magway regions to financially empower them and give their dreams wings. Our products and services are offered through our 03 main business clusters-Investing, Financing Value-Added Services-under the LB Finance brand, which improves our brand presence and ensures brand resonance. All our products and services are curated and marketed in line with all regulatory guidelines as ethically serving our communities is at the heart of everything we do.

To contribute to the quality of life experienced by our depositors, customers, employees and the general public through partnerships that fuel the growth of our Company and to create shareholder value both in the short- term and long- term.
- To mobilise public funds by innovating investment products that will enhance the value delivered to our depositors.
- To engage in prudent lending to entrepreneurs to assist them in the creation of wealth.
- To embark on investments in which results can be clearly assessed and seize new opportunities in the market.
- To offer a caring and personalised service that will form the foundation for developing lasting partnerships with our stakeholders, employees and the general public.
- To use training and career development to create an empowered and committed group of employees who will drive the Company to high levels of achievement.





